Foobar2000 is an advanced audio player for the Windows platform. Some of the basic features include ReplayGain support, low memory footprint and native support for several popular audio formats. Supported audio formats: MP3, MP4, AAC, CD Audio, WMA, Vorbis, FLAC, WavPack, WAV, AIFF, Musepack, Speex, AU, SND
Foobar2000 2012 Latest update features :
- Supported audio formats: MP3, MP4, AAC, CD Audio, WMA, Vorbis, FLAC, WavPack, WAV, AIFF, Musepack, Speex, AU, SND... and more with additional components.
- Gapless playback.
- Full unicode support.
- Easily customizable user interface layout.
- Advanced tagging capabilities.
- Support for ripping Audio CDs as well as transcoding all supported audio formats using the Converter component.
- Full ReplayGain support.
- Customizable keyboard shortcuts.
- Open component architecture allowing third-party developers to extend functionality of the player.
- Fixed Musepack HTTP streaming bugs.
- Fixed incorrect MP3 decoder behavior on certain rare files.
- Fixed crash reporter dialog crash (duh).
- Detection of proxy server settings from Internet Explorer.
- Fixed multi-channel WavPack decoding (channel mask now gets preserved).
- Now possible to use HDCD & DTS decoder components with ALAC.
- Changed MP3 tag reading behaviors when multiple tags are present. ID3v2 content now takes priority over APE and then ID3v1.
- Various time-consuming operations such as conversion or ReplayGain-scanning now prevent the computer from automatically going to sleep (opt-out).
- Tuned ReplayGain scanner for fast multicore CPU / slow HDD scenarios (beta 4).
- Fixed Converter misbehavior on files with misplaced 'cuesheet' tags (beta 4).
- Improved performance when playing MP3 files from internet HTTP sources (beta 4).
- Improved compatibility with Apple's HFS driver (beta 4).