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Download Internet Explorer 9.0 2012

After two years since Internet Explorer 8 was launched, Microsoft has released the final version of its latest web browser, Internet Explorer 9, available for download. Thanks to powerful competitors (Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox) and the declining usage of Internet Explorer in general, Microsoft was forced to rebuild Internet Explorer not only to run faster (and to be more responsive),
simpler and more secure, but also to be redeem itself in the eyes of web developers and standards-savvy designers against the bad reputation of being a non standards compliant browser. 

Internet Explorer 9 Features :

- CSS3 Support
- CSS3 2D Transforms
- CSS3 Background and Borders Module
- CSS3 border-radius Properties
- CSS3 Color Module
- CSS3 Fonts Module
- CSS3 Media Queries
- CSS3 Namespaces
- CSS3 Values and Units Module
- CSS3 Selector Module
- CSS Object Model (CSSOM) View Module 

Internet Explorer 9 Info: 

Title:Internet Explorer 9.0 Vista
File size:17.17MB (18,005,296 bytes)
Requirements:Windows Vista
Date added:March 15, 2011

Internet Explorer 9 Screen shot: 

 Internet Explorer 9 Download: